Sonnets de ZNV

Sous le soleil d’après-midi, Zhongzheng Road à Zhongxing New Village,Baigné de lumière dorée, un tableau serein et paisible.Les bâtiments aux toits rouges s’alignent majestueusement,Entourés d’arbres verdoyants, un paysage idyllique. Un photographe, avec son œil aiguisé et son talent,Capture ce moment magique, cette beauté éphémère.Sa patience et son dévouement se manifestent dans son œuvre,Révélant l’essence de…

In the ceramics classroom, about 2003

In the ceramics classroom, hands danced across spinning wheels, transforming clay into vessels of creativity. Silence prevailed, broken only by the rhythmic hum of the pottery wheel. Unnamed students, immersed in the tactile artistry, shaped dreams from the malleable earth. Sunlight streamed through dusty windows, casting a warm glow on works in progress. Each stroke…

The disappeared Nikomart, about 2000

Nikomart convenience store once appeared in the streets and alleys of Taiwan. However, like other things that have passed away, only a few people remember it today.

Half a day of Xiaobantian, 2003

An unexpected trip 20 years ago was not too far from home, but a group of people came from afar. The days passed like this.