Essaim de mouches mourantes (2010)

Dans une danse tragique de désespoir, un essaim de mouches bourdonne, piégé sur le papier tue-mouches collant. Leur lutte est vaine, leurs petits corps se tortillent face à une fin inévitable. Olympus E-620 + ZD 3.5-5.6/14-42 ED

Morning of Kancheng Station, Taichung

Kancheng Station is one of the important transportation hubs in Taichung City, and it is also the terminal station and parking lot of Kuo-Kuang Bus. Olympus AF-10 Super (a.k.a. Picasso Mini, Infinity Jr) + Polypan F (EI100, ND+1, D76, 1:1 dev time 19:30)

A stray cat looking for……

Once upon a time, there was a small alley in a village. The alley was surrounded by trees and the houses were old and worn out. The villagers would often pass through the alley to get to their homes. One day, a cat appeared in the alley. It was a stray cat, and it was…

In the ceramics classroom, about 2003

In the ceramics classroom, hands danced across spinning wheels, transforming clay into vessels of creativity. Silence prevailed, broken only by the rhythmic hum of the pottery wheel. Unnamed students, immersed in the tactile artistry, shaped dreams from the malleable earth. Sunlight streamed through dusty windows, casting a warm glow on works in progress. Each stroke…

Lumière du matin et coin mural

Au petit matin, le soleil se lève lentement et brille à travers les interstices des bâtiments, illuminant les murs colorés du studio d’art. La lumière du matin brille à travers les interstices du bâtiment sur les murs colorés, créant un contraste gris. Ce qui était autrefois un graffiti vibrant et coloré est devenu mystérieux dans…