With Chinese ancient reliefs of carriages and horses. Mepota Flexaret Vii + TianJin Yuanda Aero Film (Expired in 2001, with 35mm adapter)
Étiquette : TianJin
The Window
Always love the light $ shadow while taking a walk in the afternoon. Mepota Flexaret Vii + TianJin Yuanda Aero Film (Expired in 2001, with 35mm adapter)
Finished my career? (I graduated)
The day before graduation. Yashica Fx-3 + Industar 50-2 + TianJin Yuanda Aero Film (Expired in 2001)
Taichung before the election
Holga 120N + Lucky Shd 400(expired)
Light Painting on Film : Photographer’s Mind
A special Experimental light painting on Film. It’s all the photographer’s mind. Yashica Fx-3 + TianJin Yuanda Aero Film + TianJin Haiyan D-76