The room 1805 & me

Room 1805 of Le Méridien Taichung with self-portrait. Olympus OM-D EM-5III + ZD 2.8-3.5/11-22

Citizen Activity Center

Olympus AF-10 Super (a.k.a. Picasso Mini, Infinity Jr) + Polypan F (EI100, ND+1, D76, 1:1 dev time 18:30)

Falling incorruptible

禮義廉恥曾經是許多公家機關建築與學校所懸掛的標語,如今消失的不只有標語,還包括精神。 « 禮義廉恥,國之四維,四維不張,國乃滅亡。 »《管子·牧民》

Taisan Mingzhi Academy

Taisan Mingzhi Academy, located in Taisan District, New Taipei City, Taiwan, is a prestigious historical academy.During the Qing Dynasty, Mingzhi Academy played a vital role in nurturing intellectual elites and producing numerous accomplished scholars and cultural figures. Its existence not only reflected the academic atmosphere of the time but also emphasized the importance of education…